Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Most of us, over a certain age, remember when getting on a transcontinental or international flight was glamorous. We dressed to travel. Strong pilots and beautiful stewardesses framed the wonders of the journey. The glamour of air travel imbued us with a sense of freedom and possibility.

How many women were inspired by the glamour of the Charlie Girl commercial to believe that having it all was possible and the holy grail?

During the depression and war years, the glamour of Joan Crawford inspired a generation to believe in social mobility.

And of course, as we just re experienced, the glamour of the Kennedys and Camelot, has remained frozen in time, in our collective consciousness.

All are examples of the power of glamour to shape society, define the culture and motivate each of us.  Virginia Postrel in The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion, goes to the core value of glamour as a powerful aspirational force and a very real part of our our social language.

My conversation with Virginia Postrel:

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